∞ FSMG – Friends Saturday Monthly Gathering – Since 1997 ∞
March 2012 FSMG Gathering
All Styles Music Jam & Gourmet Irish Potluck
Saturday March 24, 2012
6:00pm to midnight
Willow Grove, PA
(Montgomery County)
Co-Hosted by:
FSMG Founder Linda Hutchings & Homeowner Dottie Gannotti
210 Krewson Terrace
Willow Grove, PA
(please carpool due to limited parking and economy environment)
Join us for Live Music, Gourmet International Potluck, Fellowship, Fun, Social and Business Networking in the Creative, Holistic Communities. This month’s Cultural Theme is IRISH. We will be honoring Irish People and Irish Culture and our local Shanachie’s Pub in Ambler, PA, which is closing its doors this month after years of great food and Irish seisun music.
REGISTER once at www.FSMG.org & RSVP every time to fsmgrsvp@yahoo.com.
Please come, help and invite others!
FSMG community is co-creating a more unifying empowering spiritual foundation for the year going forward, and to get us all to think more deeply about what makes life work or not. Everyone please volunteer to do something to help us grow and serve more and more…We have had some amazing synergy and fun lately: Who will come this time? Who will help set up? Who will help us announce this? We have always been a cooperative organization and now are evolving with the times to an even more cooperative community, sharing our insights and talents. Be a conscious part of evolution back to deep values that perserve and enrich the quality of life for all.
See the Events page soon for details on the cultural theme and for directions.
Help is needed to do timely updates: volunteer and you will gain free web design training you can use!
Suggested Donation: $5 requested from everyone to offset costs of supplies, website, advertising, training. Bring: a potluck dish (on theme always appreciated), musical instruments & sheet music, and your good friends and family!
EVERYONE please REGISTER (once) HERE and RSVP ASAP to fsmgrsvp@yahoo.com
Co-Hostess Dottie Gannotti is a three-time FSMG hostess with a beautiful, calm, inviting home! She has been known to climb on her furniture to get great shots of past FSMG events. She was also a friend of my dear friend and former FSMG hostess, the late Beth Rotondo. Some of you both met Dottie at Beth’s house at a December FSMG in Oaks years ago. Friends of Beth’s, please make a special effort to attend this special event designed to draw kindred spirits together now to keep that beautiful holistic circle, and this one, strong and connected in the coming months and years. Invite anyone else you think would enjoy being included and connected. Outside FSMG, Dottie is is a holistic practionner, a fellow spiritual seeker. and has a home business brokering electricity.
Co-Hostess Linda Hutchings is the Founder and Lead Organizer of FSMG, the Friends Saturday Monthly Gathering. FSMG is an intentional community founded in 1997 to bring together kindred spirits from multiple creative, holistic and spiritual circles that better the world, and are better together. Please help us extend our invitation to the many people you love and respect who might value what we value and offer. Outside FSMG, Linda is a singer, songwriter, musician, and a full time holistic health and wellness counselor. She teaches people to switch to sustainably-produced healthy, green, safe products to optimize health, and to develop home businesses teaching others to do the same: www.healthygreensafe.com.